Beach of Cuxhaven

Beach of Cuxhaven

The beach of Cuxhaven during summer

The beach in Cuxhaven plays an important role for the students and the tourists. For the students going to the beach is a popular activity if the weather is good. Students of every age enjoy visiting the beach after school and during the weekend.

A lido and the mudflats

The beach is used for many activities. People can do sports like playing Volleyball or they even can go surfing. Another popular feature of the beach are the mudflats, the so-called “Watt” on which people are able to hike in case that the water is far away because of the ebb tide. Of course you can go swimming in the water of the North Sea, too.

Cuxhaven and the location of the beach

Moreover, Cuxhaven possesses a sandy beach (region from Kugelbake (emblem of Cuxhaven) to Duhnen) and a grass beach (Grimmershörnbucht). If the people do not enjoy the region directly at the beach, they may also spend their time at the lido or at the restaurants directly behind the beach.

The Kugelbarke and the shipping traffic

For the cooler season a visit of the “Alte Liebe” can be recommended. From there you have a fabulous view over the North Sea and you can look at the everyday shipping traffic.

The Alte Liebe during rough sea